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WELDCUP 2013 - Nearly one year left to practise

EWA President Maurice Mann has agreed to become the patron
WELCUP 2013 (Photo: EWF / DVS)
WELCUP 2013 (Photo: EWF / DVS)

(pressebox) (Düsseldorf, 2012-10-16) They are counting the months: The young welders from 15 European coun-tries who would like to compete in the WELDCUP in Essen on September 18 and 19, 2013 at the world's premier fair SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN next year. Until then, it is a matter of practise, practise, practise, i.e. in one of the four welding processes: gas welding, arc welding, gas-shielded metal arc welding and tungsten inert gas welding, because the youngsters no more than 23 years' old must be proficient in one of these disciplines in theory and pratice.

The WELDCUP has been brought into being by DVS - German Welding Society as a Euro-pean competition for young welders and is being supported by EWF - European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting. The German team will be generated from the participants in the national heat from September of this year for the world occupational championship called WorldSkills Leipzig 2013: Four out of the eight participants will come to the WELDCUP and will face up to the competitors. Until now, 15 countries have registered for this competition and will also send their best young talents to the torches in September 2013. Thereafter, the Interna-tional Welding Competition between Europe and China will be eagerly awaited too. Here, the victorious team from the WELDCUP will compete against the Chinese.

Not new but nevertheless with an anniversary, the well-known and very popular national DVS "Young Welders" competition will take place two days before the WELDCUP. For the tenth time already, the young participants in the national competition will fight for the perfect weld here. The DVS "Young Welders" competition takes place every two years. Most recently, Christian Bormann, Dominik Böhme and Klaus Leupold from Saxony and Thomas Maske from Saarland were happy about the first places.

The three "Young Welders' Competitions" at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN will be made pos-sible by the sponsoring of various companies. Moreover, DVS was able to find prominent sup-port from the field of welding technology: Maurice Mann, the Marketing Director for Equipment & Automation at the well-known Swedish manufacturer of welding and cutting products ESAB AB and the President of EWA - European Welding Association since June 2012, has agreed to become the patron of the welding competitions.

With the planning and staging of its competitions, DVS offers young people the opportunity to improve their practical skills in welding in competitive conditions and to compare them with each other. With the DVS "Young Welders" competition, the WELDCUP and the International Competiton, the society is motivating young welders to deal with joining technology more in-tensively and, at the same time, is providing encouragement to gain a foothold in the occupa-tional field.


Herr Dipl.-Ing. Martin Lehmann
Telefon: +49 (211) 1591-203

Frau Barbara Stöckmann
Telefon: +49 (211) 1591-301
Fax: +49 (211) 1591-200
Zuständigkeitsbereich: Press

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