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SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN: DVS And Messe Essen Renew Their Contract Ahead Of Time

World's leading trade fair remains part of Messe Essen's portfolio until 2033
DVS – Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V.
DVS – Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V.

(pressebox) (Düsseldorf/Essen, 2014-11-20) SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, the international trade fair for joining, cutting and surfacing will continue its success story in Essen until 2033. DVS - Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V. ("German Welding Society") has signed a long-term extension to its contract with Messe Essen. The conceptual sponsor and the organizer of the international trade fair look back on a trusting partnership of more than 60 years, which is now going to proceed into the next two decades.

"The early extension to the contract is emphasizing Messe Essen's competence in the industry," stresses Oliver P. Kuhrt, CEO of Messe Essen. "The cooperation with DVS is of great strategic significance for SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN and we are very pleased to continue a partnership in the long term that is characterized by such great trust."

For DVS which, as a trade association, represents more than 19,400 members in Germany, the extension to the contract is the logical consequence of the outstanding development of the trade fair in Essen. "Since 1952, DVS and Messe Essen have jointly staged SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN in a constructive and consistent way. In the meantime, it is the world's most important information and ordering platform in the sector - with a turnover volume of more than two billion Euro most recently," according to Dr. Ing. Roland Boecking, Managing Director of DVS. "This success, Messe Essen's convincing modernization concept and the trusting discussions in the past weeks have persuaded us to extend the proven partnership in the long term."

The modernization, which is scheduled to be finished by 2019, will provide the well-connected exhibition complex in the largest metropolis in Europe a contemporary, inviting overall appearance with the latest technological advances - the ground-breaking ceremony is planned for 2016. From September 25th to September 29th 2017, the 19th edition of the SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN will take place as a guest exhibition in Düsseldorf.

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Frau Barbara Stöckmann, M. A.
Telefon: +49 (211) 1591-301
Fax: +49 (211) 1591-200
Zuständigkeitsbereich: Bereich Presse- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit

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