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Live in front of an international public: ROBOT WELDING CONTEST at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN 2017

The logo of the ROBOT WELDING CONTEST 2017 / Source: DVS
The logo of the ROBOT WELDING CONTEST 2017 / Source: DVS

(pressebox) (Düsseldorf, 2017-06-12) The countdown for taking part in the ROBOT WELDING CONTEST 2017 is running: Until July 31, robot operators all over the world will still have the possibility of registering for the second DVS robot welding competition. As one of the event highlights at the world's premier fair, SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN, the international competition will take place in Hall 13 at Messe Düsseldorf from September 25 to 28, 2017.

As a result of the great interest in the first DVS robot welding competition two years ago, the German Welding Society (DVS) will continue its contest for the best weld with the aid of a robot under the title of the ROBOT WELDING CONTEST. "We know that the field of 'automation' will be a top subject at SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN. Therefore, it was only consistent to place our successful competition there," explains Dipl.-Ing. Rockhard Zsehra, the Technical Officer in DVS who is responsible for the ROBOT WELDING CONTEST. He is expecting a lot of competition-hungry robot operators who may represent Germany or countries in Europe or beyond. "The most important prerequisite is proficiency in the English or German language," states Zsehra, "because that simply serves safety. And of course, the participant should provide proof that he/she can operate a robot." That should not be difficult for the experienced robot operators because they will be able to select their personal favourites from seven possible robot / welding power source combinations. Thus, they will already be familiar with the equipment from their workplaces.

In the contest, the participants will, after intensive instruction, produce their test pieces within one hour and will have three attempts to do so. Directly in situ and in front of the public, the Halle Welding Training and Research Institute in Halle (Saale) will check and assess the results submitted then. It will also carry out the theoretical qualification test. After successful participation, each programmer will receive a certificate for the operator and setter qualification test according to DIN EN ISO 14732 (DIN EN 1418). However, that will be just one of the advantages of the ROBOT WELDING CONTEST: On September 28, the contestants ranked in first place on each robot will be honoured on DVS's cooperative booth in front of the international guests at the fair and will be rewarded with vouchers for individual further education measures from the seminar portfolios of the robot manufacturers.

Moreover, high-quality material prizes will await the winners. However, DVS has come up with yet another special feature about which Dipl.-Ing. Rockhard Zsehra is very pleased: "This time, taking part in the competition will not be in vain even without a ranked place: Because each robot welder will receive a DVS membership for one year as a gift." Thus, all the participants will profit, for example, from access to DVS's set of technical rules free of charge, from special conditions at DVS events or from discounts on products from DVS Media GmbH.

So that every programmer beyond Germany's borders can learn about the ROBOT WELDING CONTEST, there is the Internet appearance in German and English with all the information and the application form at and respectively. However, any interested parties can find news and useful notes on Facebook too at

Together with Messe Essen GmbH, the organiser of SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN and a longstanding partner of the society, DVS is looking forward to the forthcoming world's premier fair. For once, this will take place in Düsseldorf from September 25 to 29, 2017 since the fair site in Essen is being modernised for the next SCHWEISSEN & SCHNEIDEN.


Frau Barbara Stöckmann
DVS Media GmbH
Telefon: +49 (211) 1591-301
Fax: +49 (211) 1591-200

Herr Rockhard Zsehra
Telefon: +49 (211) 1591-123

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