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New DVS Conference on "Digitalisation in Vocational Training and Further Education"

Please submit presentations now
Schweißer im simulationsgestützten AR-Training mit SOLDAMATIC / Quelle: WeldPlus
Schweißer im simulationsgestützten AR-Training mit SOLDAMATIC / Quelle: WeldPlus

(pressebox) (Düsseldorf, 2018-08-17) What effects does digitalisation have on the vocational education and further training? Which digital systems should be used in the future? And how does the topic “Industry 4.0” influence the technical welding and joining training concepts? These are questions that the German Welding Society (DVS) is now tackling in a new event. Therefore, the first international DVS Conference “Digitalisation in Vocational Training and Further Education” will take place in the Congress Center West of Messe Essen on the 19th and 20th of February 2019.

With the current topic “Digitalisation in Vocational Training and Further Education”, the new DVS Conference wishes to bring together experts and users from research, industry, education and trades. The conference aims to attract young researchers, engineers and of course providers of education and training systems in particular. “We want to discuss the future of technical joining training, as well as shed light on the new application possibilities together with all participants and contributors,” said Marvin Keinert, technical officer in DVS and contact person for all content aspects of the event.

Experts as well as young professionals from the area of training and further education can still register presentations for this English-language conference. We are looking to receive contributions dealing with the following topics up until the 7th of September:

1. Changes in training and further education
2. Digital training processes (digital tools)
3. Introduction of a digital training management system
4. Technology of digitalisation for Industry 4.0
5. Economic and societal changes

The organisers of the DVS Conference “Digitalisation in Vocational Training and Further Education” are DVS and GSI – Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik International mbH. They are supported by DVS Media GmbH and WeldPlus GmbH, both of whom cooperate with the welding training system Seabury and its system solution “Soldamatic”. WeldPlus markets the devices that are available for the specially designed training courses developed DVS Media.

Further information on the event and the possibility to submit presentations is available online at: 


Herr Marvin Keinert
Telefon: +49 (211) 1591-188

Frau Simone Weinreich
Telefon: +49 (211) 1591-302

Frau Barbara Stöckmann
DVS Media GmbH
Telefon: +49 (211) 1591-301
Fax: +49 (211) 1591-200

About DVS – Deutscher Verband für Schweißen und verwandte Verfahren e. V.: The German Welding Society (DVS) is a technical and scientific association with 120 years of experience and which has been actively involved in more than 250 different joining, separation and coating processes. At the heart of all DVS activities is the joint technical-scientific work that is done. The work stands for the ongoing close interconnection of contents and events from the areas research, technology and education. The affiliated companies of DVS process the results received from each association and publicly present these together with their own focal points. The main headquarters of the recognised non-profit organisation is in Düsseldorf. The approximately 19,000 members are served directly through 13 regional state associations and 74 DVS district associations. All members of the various associations work together to promote a future sustainable joining technology in every aspect.

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