- New “kim+” Version Simplifies Communication in the Medical Sector
- Milestone in kim+ Product Development
KIM is a communication and e-mail service specified by gematik for service providers in the German healthcare sector. This includes employees in doctors' surgeries, pharmacies, care homes and other facilities. Arvato Systems received approval from gematik for its own KIM service "kim+" back in May 2021. Since then, thanks to close cooperation with resellers - the local service providers and primary system manufacturers - more than 53,000 kim+ mail addresses have been registered.
gematik has now also granted approval for "kim+ 1.5" based on KIM release 1.5.2, which means that nothing stands in the way of the rollout of the product update. With the leap from "kim+ 1.0" to "kim+ 1.5", users can expect significant innovations that will make their daily work even easier.
- Sending large e-mails: It is now possible to send large files of up to 500 MB, allowing service providers to communicate even more comprehensively and efficiently.
- Multi-connector support: A particularly relevant feature for hospitals, as this function allows the use of multiple connectors or card terminals via one (1) client module, which significantly increases the flexibility and adaptability of the service.
- New admin module for account management: The revised administration module offers clearer and simpler account management, including functions such as setting up out-of-office notes.