Available as a high or semi-glossy VOC-compliant topcoat, the 900/901 VOC TPC-ACR converter complements the Salcomix topcoat system for the light-industry sector. The high-gloss 900 topcoat has a maximum VOC content of 419 g/l for all colours, while the semi-glossy 901 topcoat has a maximum VOC content of 510 g/l.
In addition, the 900/901 converter has the highest spreading rate of all the Salcomix topcoats. Depending on the application technique and colour, more than 30 percent of the material can be saved compared to MS topcoats. Since no flash-off time is required between spraycoats, the use of this topcoat also means enormous time savings.
The new topcoat can be applied quickly and efficiently with any spraygun currently available on the market, yielding a high level of UV, gloss and colour stability coupled with excellent surface hardness and scratch resistance.The new 2K topcoat is available in the usual Salcomix package sizes (pre-filled cans), ranging from 3.25 kg to 19.6 kg.