Beak Consultants is proud to be able to participate the FEM exhibition for the first time. Visit our booth C17 on the first floor of Hotel Levi Panorama!
In Northern Europe, Beak is engaged in several research projects including the EIT Raw Materials funded “Mineral Resource Assessment Platform” (MAP) and the EU H2020 funded “New Exploration Technologies” (NEXT) projects. Besides this, Beak is presenting its newest version of the advangeo® Prediction Software at the exhibition. Besides artificial neural networks (ANN), the software now also offers random forest (RF) as prediction algorithm, besides the already included fuzzy logic (FL). Even better, it now runs also together with ArcGIS 10.6.
On Friday, 1st November 2019, a one day workshop on “Assessment of Undiscovered Mineral Resources” will take place from 8:30 AM until 4:30 PM at Levi Panorama hotel, Gold Digger. The workshop is being organised by Geological Survey of Finland (GTK) in the frame of the before-mentioned MAP project. It aims to help in the assessment of the locations and the amounts of undiscovered mineral resources by integration of mineral prospectivity modelling (MPM) tools into the three-part method. The assessment process will be implemented in the new MAP software, which will guide the user through the whole assneuessment and ensure the smooth transfer of data from one part of the process to the next. The new software will produce quantitative probabilistic estimates of the total amount of metals in undiscovered mineral deposits of selected types in particular geologically defined areas (permissive tracts).
We invite interested parties to participate the Workshop in Levi to learn more about the MAP!