The "Freeviewpoint Immersive Networked Experience" project Fine is focused on developing a novel endtoend architecture for the creation and delivery of a new form of live media content. Fine will deliver live content to professional and home users which will be able to interact and freely explore a liveaction 3D scene. Bitmanagement Software GmbH, Berg near Munich, takes the 3D part which is focused on the creation of truly three dimensional content which could be shown on regular 2D devices, stereoscopic displays and projectors and even on autostereoscopic displays or future holographic monitors.
The innovative project offers the possibility to users to become part of the visual experience during a football match, because he himself makes his own choice of the viewpoint he wants to watch the match. He can choose four different options: He can follow a dedicated player ( Through function: behind him ), he can observe the player while watching him closely (watch him) or he can watch the match through the eyes of a player (from his position). Moreover the watching football fan can move freely in the stadium or on the pitch.
The goals of this application are to extend the notion of interaction, to exploit domestic activities and familiar settings. And to make user's environment part of the visual experience. In this context the 'Fine Home Survey' has been carried out in an artificial home user environment at Bitmanagement. The major challenge that has been addressed in the trial is to make the enduser feel like home. Due to the fact that in the interactive 3D mockups all above mentioned options have been already developed, the survey can be simulated with real spectators before project completion.
The project which has a duration of 36 months has cost totaling of 4,4 million Euros, thereof EU funding is 2,8 million Euro. The funding is in line with the "Seventh Framework Programs (FP7) which is bundling all R & D relevant initiatives of the European Union under one roof. FP7 plays a considerable role for dedicated EU goals which are growth, competitiveness and employment in the European Union. In this context the new Program CIP for Competitiveness and Innovation Framework has some relevance. 10 Partner are engaged in the project Fine, which has been initialized by the Spanish Media Agency "Mediapro", Madrid, Spain.
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