These quantities are usually measured with a sensor. An interconnected measuring amplifier conditions the sensor signal to a voltage signal. By this, it can be processed by the data acquisition system in the best way.
The data acquisition system's A/D converter finally digitalizes the analog voltage signal.
In the computer, the measured signal is stored, for example, displayed graphically or numerically, analyzed, or used for any other processing purposes.
As everywhere in engineering, data acquisition systems have different features due to different technologies implemented.
The selection of a suitable DAQ system is determined primarily by the measurement application: number of signals to be measured, required input range and accuracy, measurement location and environment, scan frequency and period, and lots more.
Last but not least, the costs play a decisive role. Here the following applies as always: The more performance a DAQ systems features, the higher the price in general.
Optimizing price and performance is an important criterion for BMC Messsysteme GmbH (bmcm) when developing measuring hardware.
Setting a value on quality "made in Germany", the measurement specialist has been developing, producing, and distributing his products worldwide for more than 20 years. He experiences that measurement requirements vary a lot. Therefore he offers a wide range of DAQ systems.
As measurement and instrumentation is in constant change because of technical progress, bmcm measuring hardware is continuously developed further.
The new edition of the "DATA ACQUISITION" catalog gives an overview of the currently available measurement systems including accessories.
It introduces measuring devices, data loggers, DAQ cards, all-in-one measurement systems (with integrated amplifier technology), and digital I/O hardware with different performance levels.
A great feature of the DAQ systems is the recording of high-speed and low-speed signals at the same time. Measuring range and storage ratio are configured for each channel separately to optimally measure different physical quantities.
As measuring data are transmitted to the computer either via network (LAN or WLAN), the USB interface, or the internal PCI or PCIe bus, the specific advantages of the respective interface are used in addition:
1. LAN
High-end data acquisition: With network technology, measurement is possible at many different, distant positions synchronized and in real-time, mobile, interference-free, and fast. New: Power over Ethernet (PoE).
2. USB
Uncomplicated, inexpensive data acquisition also suitable for fast signals. They are available with different performance, extremely compact, and supplied by USB (bus-powered).
3. PCI/PCI Express
The internal DAQ cards of bmcm feature fast data transmission and short latencies. They are recommended particularly for stationary measurement in a laboratory or at test stands.
Highlight in the "Digital I/O" area is the new incremental encoder measuring system USB-OI16, a digital all-rounder ideal for industrial applications.
It provides 16 galvanically isolated digital inputs and outputs each for interference-proof measurement and control of up to 32V-signals. Especially to mention are the two 32-bit counters (quadrature decoders) for pulse or incremental encoder measurement or pulse-time measurement.
The "DATA ACQUISITION" catalog is the first of bmcm's product overviews (text German and English). The PDF file is available for download on the bmcm website. The print version can be ordered for free at bmcm.
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