Shortly after Gothaer completed launching its agency system based on BSI Insurance in mid-2016, they issued an invitation to tender for broker management. BSI prevailed with its tender offer and now may also develop the CRM for Gothaer's broker management. “We want to use one platform for all sales channels and thereby generate synergies,” stated Thomas Berg, Head Sales Management at Gothaer. Also contributing to the decision were the industry-specific functionalities already contained in the tool; the existing good collaboration between Gothaer and BSI; the existing integration, as well as the large number of reference customers from the insurance field, specifically from broker sales, including ERGO, LV 1871 and Bayerische.
Efficient tool for sales
With the introduction of the latest Ocean release of BSI Insurance, Gothaer is building on a future-capable solution that enables a consistent broker management concept. As an efficient tool, BSI Insurance supports broker representatives, enabling them to profit from an integrated solution of standardized support concepts, optimized services and configurable views – factors that essentially contribute to user satisfaction.
“BSI Insurance combines more than 20 years of expertise in CRM and insurance companies. Based on our market leading CRM standard for insurance companies, we continuously develop innovations that provide our customers a significant advantage over the competition,” explained Oliver Hechler, CEO BSI Germany and Community Manager for Insurance Companies.
Towards this end, BSI will launch an agile Design Suite in the summer of 2018, which is being anticipated with great interest: “With our next release, we will make service and marketing automation possible on a whole new level. In combination with analytics, we depict the customer steps in the CRM and proactively meet customers on all channels. We are very pleased that Gothaer is sharing these high demands for service innovation with us and has decided to expand our collaboration in the corporate customer field, which will ensure Gothaer’s trendsetting customer relationship management,” summed up Oliver Hechler.
Event information: Automation in sales, marketing and service for insurance companies
The specialist event, “Customer interface: customer and complaint management between human factors and smart machines”, will take place May 15-16, 2018. In this context, BSI will present innovations pertaining to automation in sales, marketing and service for insurance companies. Our customer, Sebastian Wertenbruch, Department Head Sales Systems and Processes at Gothaer, will provide insight with his presentation entitled “Strategic multichannel management at Gothaer – How a central CRM successfully connects personal and direct sales”. He will shed light on the challenges for insurance companies in customer management and show how Gothaer has intensified customer contact with the implementation of its multichannel strategy. For further information about the event: