The new ForceMaster 9110 from burster ful-fills all such requirements in a practical manner with 100 % monitoring of force/time or force/displacement/time curves to ensure that even these simple press-insertion pro-cesses are reliable. For an unbeatable price, it is now possible to equip nearly all standard manual presses with a force/time or a force/displacement/time monitoring system. This is particularly suitable for application areas that previously had to do without the actually necessary 100 % checks for reasons of cost effectiveness, e.g. low-volume production in assembly or mechanics manufacturing, medical engineering, the chemical and pharmaceutical industries, or the food industry.
The innovative and smart autoconfiguration combined with automatic sensor recognition means that even trainees can start using it reliably and quickly within a few minutes. "Card & Go", the clever SmartCard management system provides tamper-proof operation with access rights for handling of bad parts as well as administration of all sorts of different press tools using tool data. In case of recurrent parameters for tested items, this data can be quickly and reliably loaded into the ForceMaster 9110. Setup and configuration work is thus reduced to a minimum, preventing possible sources of error when connecting the sensors.
The integrated visual and acoustic signaling devices indicate whether the produced parts are OK or NOK. The adjustable tone and volume control makes it possible to differentiate between several ForceMaster 9110 machines in the production facilities and also provides support even for monotonous manufacturing processes. Additionally integrated stroke and unit counters mean that external counters are unnecessary. Simple control tasks can be optionally implemented using a special sequential control function. This can be used for additional tasks such as pneumatic clamping and release of workpieces, blowing out pressed parts, blocking the return stroke of the press or control of OK/NOK sorting diverters.
The option of saving measurement curves on a USB flash drive provides the user with an extremely cost-effective method of storing the curves at the machine as well as archiving and evaluating them later on with the office computer. The parameterization and evaluation software FMControl, which is included in the scope of delivery, can be used to read out the measured values stored in the ForceMaster 9110 and to display and configure the active evaluation elements. The curve data can be stored in an archive. The measurement curves on the USB flash drive can also be imported, displayed, and archived.