"We are underscoring the positioning of productpilot.com as an international business search engine in the fourth year of its successful existence by employing state-of-the-art search technologies and new kinds of ‘business matching’ features", explains Dr. Ulrich Thieme, Director of productpilot.com. Thanks to intelligent routines the search engine yields richer and more accurate search results and, by means of semantics, it also includes "fuzzy" hits in the assessment. The hits obtained take account not only of the themes being sought, but also other aspects – for example the areas of interest set for the registered user, his country of origin or the preferred kind of business contacts.
The technology, which is currently mainly used in the public sector, was adapted for commercial use by experts of the company "intelligent views" (Darmstadt, Germany) in development work conducted over one and a half years. Their achievement of integrating existing information in dynamic "knowledge networks" makes it possible to have another new kind of function – automated "business matching".
With this, new business contacts selected according to calculated criteria are suggested on an ongoing basis to users and exhibitors. "A highly practical basis for professional networking and new business approaches", Dr. Thieme explains.
productpilot.com is also taking a major step forward with its new, additional filter functions in the contact search and the integration of on-line videos in the exhibitor profiles. The improved design and us-ability mean that the portal is now state of the art and this enhances the use value for site visitors.