This closes a loophole, which enabled a number of companies from outside Europe to declare themselves European by buying a small amount of European components. The new regulation is about sustainability. If an installation is to receive Italy’s full FIT, the modules constantly have to be made from European components.
Emmvee Photovoltaics have always relied on long-term relationships with German manufacturers of high-quality components. “When it comes to European components, we regularly reach more than 90 per cent. It is our policy of quality. We publish every single detail in our data sheets and on our websites, thus being one of the markets most transparent companies,” says Frank Hilgenfeld, spokesman of Emmvee Photovoltaics GmbH in Berlin.
PV-installations with modules made by Emmvee are therefore given the extra FIT in Italy.
Salvatore Cammilleri, one of the managing directors of Emmvee Photovoltaics GmbH says: “We support this move by the GSE as we believe in quality, transparency and fair competition.”
Emmvee have changed the names of their products in order to display the name of the cell manufacturer and the place of production straight away. “We are now one of the most transparent companies in the market. That is exactly the way we conduct our business. No surprises and a reliable service,” says Salvatore Cammilleri.