This technology enables the manufacture of extremely compact touch-sensitive switches with no moving parts and which incorporate so much microprocessor power that they are able to take over complete control operations without external circuitry.
Initially, two design ranges of switches are being offered as standard. As this technology offers new possibilities for compact design, one of these allows for complete surface mount without protrusion behind the front panel. These switches are factory programmable with an almost unlimited number of functions from conventional on/off momentary or toggle action, to timed switching or motor, solenoid or variable control. They are capable of switching up to 3A at 24VDC at a duty cycle in excess of 1 million operations. The components are fully sealed so that, suitably mounted into a front panel, they are capable of protection even to IP69K.
Despite the hi-tech aspirations of the thiNKswitchTM, its construction is such that it competes favorably with other contact free technologies such as piezo switches with the added potential for considerable cost and space savings in external circuit development and production. The simple mechanical construction means that custom designs are possible for relatively low quantities.
Typical applications already realized are sanitary (control of showers and taps), lighting (waterproof LED torch with variable brightness), automotive (vehicle door handles). This new technology opens up almost unlimited possibilities for innovative designers intent on developing cost-effective, exciting products.