Security and continuity of the solid business policies of inPuncto
Since its founding in 1997, the software company has earned an excellent reputation in the industry of add-on software for SAP over the years. With innovative software solutions for document management, inPuncto supports the optimization of SAP systems and the simplification of business processes. With a wide range of add-on products and customized solutions, has established itself as a trusted partner for companies of various sizes and industries.
Through comprehensive analyses, taking into account various documents, including annual financial statement analyses of the past two years, inPuncto has demonstrated an excellent credit structure and achieved outstanding assessments in all key areas.
As expressed by the managing director, Dr. Ing. Frank Marcial, this not only demonstrates the financial stability of the company but also its ongoing success and ability to satisfy customers and business partners. Furthermore, he stated, “We can be proud of this award and have confidence that we can continue to build on a solid financial foundation to strengthen our position as one of the leading software companies in the field of digital competence.”
The CrefoZert solvency certificate is issued for one year each. The current status can be checked at any time at