By using JTAGLive and CoreCommander, engineers can activate the on-chip debug modes of a range of popular cores to affect kernel-centric testing.
CoreCommander support includes ARM, Cortex, XScale, PowerPC and TriCore architectures.
CoreCommander routines are suitable for diagnosing faults on "dead-kernel" boards in either design debug or repair, since no on-board code is required to set memory reads and writes. CoreCommander is Python-based and complements the established JTAGLive Script product, allowing access to mixed-signal parts such as ADCs and DACs and also synchronised testing to full boundary-scan devices.
JTAG Technologies is also using the acclaimed ESC Boston show to present Autobuzz, a tool that learns a connectivity signature of all boundary-scan parts within a design from only the BSDL models of those parts. Autobuzz expands the "seek and discover" mode of BuzzPlus and automatically gathers circuit data of a known good board and then performs a full connectivity compare against the faulty circuit.
Autobuzz is a useful tool for repair and rework technicians, especially when design data is missing or incomplete.
Our new Training Board
In co-operation with the Benelux regional representative of Altium, Transfer BV, and hardware development consultancy DsignWorx BV, the JT 2156 training board from JTAG Technologies has been designed to demonstrate all the latest features and test techniques available to users of the company's ProVision & JTAGLive application development systems.
For Altium users the design serves as an example of how to adapt the feature-rich Nano board into a realistic custom design. Key features of the JT 2155 include an ARM 7TDMI Core NXP processor, an Altera Cyclone 3 FPGA, a DDR2 memory block, serial I2C memory, an analog to digital converter, an accelerometer and a touch screen controller. The board will help users learn more about JTAG applications, for example JTAG testing using the processor's core, or embedding at-speed 'BIST engines' into FPGAs.