Ford introduced its Q1 quality system to ensure worldwide a uniform standard of production and quality in component manufacture. It stands for Quality First. Ford thus extends the stipulations of international quality standards (e.g. DIN ISO TS 16949) with specific requirements on the quality management system to be observed by a potential supplier. In order to become a preferred supplier to Ford, the manufacturer must first attain the Q1 status.
Among those short listed for the award are only those suppliers and service providers that introduce and regularly update this effective quality management system according to international guidelines and monitored by independent experts. In addition, Ford-specific Q1 criteria in terms of customer satisfaction, transport quality, delivery, materials management, and engineering support must be fulfilled. Another key consideration is adapting the guidelines and processes to defined standards in order to ensure continuous improvement.
The award and the related flag were presented by Ford's Robert Hoenen and Norbert Jacholke (Site Technical Assistant - STA). Accepting the award on behalf of Hartha's Plant Manager Peter Geissler were Quality Manager Norman Hofmann, Logistics Manager Michael Frega, Production Scheduling Manager Rene Geinitz, SPOC (Single Point of Contact) Andreas Kottke and Customer Logistics Susann Prasse. Norman Hofmann is proud that the site has been awarded the distinction. "The Q1 award underscores our status as a supplier of high-quality products."
Robert Hoenen was pleased to present the certificate to the Pierburg Werk in Hartha. "The Q1 award is an essential precondition for Ford to award new contracts to suppliers. Moreover, it also means that the supplier is now available for further purchasing contracts, that Ford's Buyers can revert to KSPG products without any further procedural regulations." Ford is thus expressing its appreciation of Hartha's high level of quality.