LASER COMPONENTS’ CO2 fiber coupler is optimized for the wavelength 10.6 μm. A ZnSe lens, which currently guarantees coupling at an efficiency of typically 80%, is integrated into the mechanical component, which is flange mounted to conventional lasers.
The FiberKey ® P is used in combination with a further-developed hollow-core fiber: in the fiber cladding, the pilot beam is transmitted, and the non-visible laser light is guided in the hollow-core fiber. The hollow-core fibers used by LASER COMPONENTS excel in comparison to competing technologies with lower attenuation values.
This product is currently available for an output power of up to 30 W and is, therefore, particularly well-suited for medical applications with CO2 lasers: for example, to cut tissue when removing tumors or in dermatology. Due to the additional transmission of the pilot beam in the FiberKey ® P, the point of impact of the laser light is shown, which makes it possible to work precisely.
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