New Multisim 13.0 benefits include:
- Circuit parameter and parameter sweep analysis
- Digital circuits education with NI myRIO and Digilent FPGA targets
- Power electronics analysis with IGBT and MOSFET thermal models
- Device library of 26,000+ components
- Design automation with the Multisim API Toolkit for LabVIEW system design software
Multisim 13.0 offers comprehensive circuit analysis tools for analog, digital and power electronics. The graphical, interactive environment helps educators reinforce circuit theory and bridge the gap between the classroom and hands-on laboratory learning. The same advanced Multisim analysis capabilities are also used in various industries to explore design decisions and optimize circuit behavior with mixed-mode simulation.
Multisim, a complete education solution for multiple courses, takes students from basic electronics comprehension to complex final-year design projects through courseware and laboratory hardware integration to NI myDAQ, NI Educational Laboratory Virtual Instrumentation Suite (NI ELVIS), NI myRIO and digital products from Digilent. Multisim 13.0 also boasts ready-to-use daughterboard templates to speed design time for NI Single-Board RIO hardware and more.
"We chose Multisim for the breadth it provides us, allowing first year undergraduate students to understand fundamental analog and digital electronics, but also the depth so that final year masters students can use it in their projects," said Danielle George, Faculty Member of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Manchester.
Aerospace, energy and life science engineers use device simulation models from leading semiconductor manufacturers in an interactive analysis environment to evaluate, optimize and design applications to meet specifications on time.
Additionally, the Multisim API Toolkit for LabVIEW defines countless applications to correlate measurements, sweep domain specific conditions and analyze performance with flexibility unavailable in conventional simulation environments.