Balancing group managers already made use of cross-quality trading in the new market area during the first few days. Due to GABiGas processes and deadlines, final information on the extent of conversion for balancing purposes is available no earlier than 29 working days after expiry of the delivery month. The data collected so far indicate, however, that customers make greater use of conversion from H-gas to L-gas than vice versa.
Physical conversion was achieved with the aid of control energy and blending plants in particular. The latter are employed above all to stabilise H-gas and Lgas networks in the market area and are used via the grid management system of Open Grid Europe. All in all, nearly 670,000 MWh was physically converted from L-gas into H-gas in April.
The experience gained in the first month demonstrates that the merger has been successfully implemented and accepted by the market players. The coming months will show how the market actually develops as a result of the merger.