The manufacturer's latest coup was introduced to the global market in October. The new panoramaxx series was launched: panoramaxx2.5, panoramaxx quattro and panoramaxx clt. No fewer than 3 models aimed at the ambitious welding professional who sets himself the goal of achieving the perfect weld seam every day with the highest demands on himself.
The combination of new technology, the best possible materials and the latest research in work physiology and ergonomics enables welders to work more effectively. Which in the long run means highest efficiency and hard cash.
Maximum performance with the assistance of the most modern high-tech
As multi-layered and complex as the welding industry is, the personal preferences of the welders with regard to health and safety equipment are just as varied. Instead of developing just one welding helmet for various applications, the new panoramaxx series focuses on an individual approach.
All models of the panoramaxx series have a maximised field of vision thanks to the patented mechanical nose cut-out. In combination with the latest filter technology and crystal clear optics, a perfect view before, after and especially during the welding process is guaranteed. Equipped with the latest software and electronics, patented high-tech technologies such as Shadetronic® and Fadetronic enable the welder to focus on his work and allow him to work without interruption. The 5-point sensor technology and the contemporary re-charge energy concept and the perfectly fitting optrel lsoFit® headgear round off the new panoramaxx series.
Overall, a perfectly coordinated innovation, because always with the customer in mind, optrel strives to combine new technology with current and acute customer needs. As usual, the brand value always remains recognisable and stands for quality - swiss made
Indispensable: comprehensive protection with optrel respiratory protection systems
Expandable with the optrel e3000X with TH3 particle filter of the highest security level, 99.8% of harmful particles are filtered out of the air. During arc welding, grinding and many other dust-intensive activities, the respiratory tract is always exposed to harmful smoke, dust and often toxic gases. Wearing a personal respiratory protection system is therefore essential, no matter how well ventilated the working environment is.
The latest technology in the areas of optics, materials and ergonomics has been combined in this series of welding helmets. A better working day for the welder; with better visibility, air and longer breath, which actively leads to more efficiency and in the end to real money for every company.
Now available globally at all certified optrel dealers.