"Blackberries, iPhones and UMTS notebooks have become indispensable for our consulting work. At the same time, we know that when our employees access our information technology via mobile communications, public WLAN and customer networks, a mish-mash of single solutions is not the right solution. For this reason, Pironet NDH Datacenter manages all of our security-relevant corporate IT, including software applications, networks and data security", explains Nils Manegold, CEO of nextevolution AG.
Data security in the business cloud
One of the main problems for employees in the field has been the reliable central backup of locally stored data - without permanent access to the corporate network. Pironet NDH has remedied this problem with a storage-on-demand solution. Employees process data in an offline folder on their own computers. When they log into the corporate network, the storage system synchronizes the documents in the folder automatically with the central file server.
This takes place in the so called "business cloud" of Pironet NDH. Pironet NDH operates a comprehensive cloud computing infrastructure at their German high security data centers, customized to meet the needs of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This way, SMEs can access applications and IT resources, like storage space and processing power on demand. Via the business cloud, the nextevolution Group uses online storage according to their current requirements, which cuts the cost of unused capacity.
IT resources on demand for application operation
The business cloud also provides nextevolution's application landscape with specifically required IT resources. Pironet NDH operates the applications in their high-security data center on virtual servers which utilize storage and processing power from the business cloud. Employees use the most essential business applications online, including Datev payroll accounting, a business intelligence solution from MIK as well as Microsoft Exchange and BlackBerry services.
Corporate network for secure access
To protect the data route from the local workstations to the data center, Pironet NDH connects the seven nextevolution branch offices via a secure corporate network. Additionally, all locations have web access, centrally provided and effectively secured by Pironet NDH. Consultants who log in via public networks gain secure access via an encrypted, private network.
Coming soon: integration of project servers
The nextevolution Group is planning to also outsource the operation of their project servers, which are used to develop and set-up systems for customers. "The on-demand approach is very beneficial to us here, as we can align our fluctuating resource requirements according to project needs while ensuring the highest security standards at the same time", comments Manegold.