With up to 16 million different cipher combinations, the Polymorphic Medley Cipher gives an attacker no chance to know which base cipher has actually been selected for a specific encryption operation in the cascade of eight ciphers. Attackers are deprived of constants and exhaustive sieve (Brute Force Attack) as well as Dictionary Attacks are slowed down by a key setup procedure that consumes a lot of CPU time by several orders of magnitude compared with AES. Parallelization of exhaustive sieve is hampered through the sheer amount of space on a silicon wafer required to implement the cipher.
The new cipher is royalty-free, open source, based on well-analyzed data encryption functions and hash functions and it is easy to use. Use is although only granted for civil projects. C++ source code of the entire cipher is readily available at www.pmc-ciphers.com. A white paper which describes the construction of the cipher is available on the same website. Peer review is highly encouraged and the publisher hopes that a lively discussion of the Polymorphic Medley Cipher will take place.
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