Eustream will offer monthly capacity for July and August and day-ahead capacity in August.
"PRISMA is a major step towards an integrated European gas market currently linking the markets of thirteen different countries in the core of Europe.
We are pleased to announce the start of the registration process for the Slovakian TSO, Eustream", said Götz Lincke, managing director PRISMA.
"Eustream welcomes the opportunity to offer bundled capacity products with NET4GAS to support final CAM implementation", added Marek Lendvorský, head of commerce and contracting at Eustream.
About Eustream
Eustream ( is a natural gas transmission network operator in the Slovak Republic. The company's main mission is to transport natural gas to Slovakia and through its territory to the European markets. Since 1972, Eustream transported more than 2.2 trillion cubic meters of gas. Eustream owns and operates a high-pressure transmission system consisting of 4-5 parallel pipelines with a total length of more than 2332 km and four compressor stations with a total installed capacity of over 550 MW. The company provides network access to all users in a transparent and non-discriminatory manner in accordance with European and Slovak energy legislation and provides its customers with a wide range of services and products associated with the transportation of natural gas. Eustream's trading partners are the key energy companies across the European Union and beyond.