ITA consists of an intraday market monitor, a portfolio manager and a trading assistant. The market monitor provides an overview of the current market; intraday order books, products and price developments can be tracked in real-time. The portfolio manager provides transparency on the production status, schedules and positions and supports rolling optimization. The trading assistant is the interface to the power exchanges EPEX SPOT and Nord Pool and simplifies processes such as bidding. ITA also offers the option of defining trading strategies and automatically creating bids based on them.
"Compared to 'manual' trading, intraday trading with ITA is much easier", says enviaM project manager Daniel Panitz. The transparent software interface and workflow features also contribute to this. Among other things, profiled orders requested by trading partners can be priced faster with ITA and corresponding offers can be sent. Smaller transactions can also be automatized. Panitz explains where auto-trading makes economic sense: "One of our customers offers primary control power with its power storage. In order to be prepared for the next request, the charge state must be optimized. Only small quantities need to be traded, but this may be very spontaneous." With the ITA automatisms, corresponding orders can be placed shortly before gate closure.
Currently, enviaM's traders are gaining their first experience with ITA and are adjusting the system to their needs. Among other things, they configure plausibility checks and define trading strategies so that (partially) automated processes can be handled as securely as possible. "At the turn of the year, we want to complete the commissioning and automate the first trading transactions", says the project manager.