The growth expectations add up for four years from 2013 to 2016 to a plus of 42%. So dynamically will also grow the number of electronic drive components at packaging machines, i.e. by 41%.
Verpackungsmaschinen gehören zu den antriebsintensivsten Branchen des Maschinenbaus. Sie stehen an zweiter Stelle in der Rangfolge der zehn untersuchten Branchen des deutschen Maschinenbaus. 16% der elektronischen Antriebstechnik in diesen zehn Branchen werden bis 2016 allein an Verpackungsmaschinen eingesetzt werden.
The focal point of this dynamic development is the servo drive, the king discipline of the drive technology.
In the ranking of the ten servo-intensive sectors packaging machines impose the second rank. 17% of all servo-drives will be implemented at packaging machines until 2016. So the number of servo-drives at packaging machines will increase by 58% until 2016. This value ranges noticeably over the increase of the number of electronic drive components at packaging machines by 41%. So packaging machine-builders will force the use of servo drives in the future both at new machines and via the substitution of other drive systems at the machines.
Beim Servoeinsatz vertrauen die Verpackungsmaschinenbauer auf den klassischen Servo für Positionieraufgaben. Dann folgen Servos mit Technologiefunktionen für high-end Anwendungen. Selten setzen Verpackungsmaschinenbauer Servos mit integrierter SPS ein.
Using servo drives the packaging machine-builders feel confident of the classical servo drive for positioning tasks. Afterwards servo drives with technology functions follow for high-end applications. Packaging machine-builders rarely use servo drives with integrated PLC.
Right behind the servo drive servo-similar converters are on the agenda of the packaging machine-builders. We call servo-similar converters as frequency converters with field-oriented closed-loop control at asynchronous or permanent-field synchronous motors. Also for this drive technology packaging machines are in second place in the related ranking of the ten sectors. 19% of all servo-similar converters in the ten sectors will alone be implemented at packaging machines 2016.
The use of servo-similar converters by packaging machine-builders will grow only below average with 28% until 2016. So the servo-drive will remain first choice.
The article is based on the market survey from Quest TechnoMarketing about the use of servo drives in the German machinery industry until 2016. For this purpose 28% of the machine-builders in ten sectors with 100 and more employees were interviewed. The link to the table of content of this study is
The article in the Quest Trend Magazine is available on