For the assembly no heat gun or special tools are required. The mounting instructions are easy to understand and to follow by images.
Save with this new connection system assembly time and storage costs.
A similar connection method, also suitable to 20A is also available for heating cable. This ex IAK8 connection technology can be used for system design without additional decrease together with our bill for the monitored system type (with limiter to keep the maximum permissible temperature range so).
If you need heating circuits for use in hazardous areas and are not very familiar with the requirements, so you can specify online pre-assembled ex-circuits with heating tapes, calculate and order those circuits from us. All you need know is the required heating tape, the length, the desired connection method and specify the length of the connecting cable. The determination of the heating tape can be done by our heat loss table online.
We hope to simplify trace heating by using those products. Of course, our specialists are always available for questions and suggestions. Just call us or use our online chat. We look forward to hear from you.