According to the DAKKS (German accreditation body) audit report, BBB fully complied with the obli-gations, which finally finds expression in the quality of the BBB expert reports: “A considerable strength of the firm consists of the continuous checking of methods and data base. Thus, robust results and realistic statements on uncertainty are achieved”.
Next to the methods applied, the expertise of the employees was checked. Here BBB got good results as well: Besides from the CEO (“Mr. Bergmann, who possesses a high degree of expertise and experience,”) his team was attested to have “a good and appropriate education for their job. An excellent on the job training and instruction as well as various extensive training initiatives have lead to a sound knowledge of the staff in charge and to a confident handling of the applied methods.
The recommendation of the DAKKS assessor was correspondingly satisfactory: “A maintaining of the accreditation is fully recommended.” The benefit of the strict regulations and the regular and comprehensive monitoring procedure lies on the side of the customer. They can rely on the correctness of the data resulting from the wind measurements and the yield reports coming from BBB.