Rheinmetall’s Oberndorf unit is in charge of these projects. The former Mauser plant is the birthplace of the Puma’s newly developed main armament, the 30mm MK30-2/ABM automatic cannon. The accompanying array of ammunition includes programmable rounds, enabling the Puma to successfully engage a wide spectrum of targets.
Now being fielded by the Bundeswehr, the Puma IFV provides Germany’s mechanized infantry forces with a new principal weapons system, one that represents a whole new dimension in international armoured vehicle design. Setting new standards in every relevant capabilities category, the Puma lends itself to a multitude of operational scenarios and can be deployed in all climate zones. Delivery of the 350 IFVs ordered by the Bundeswehr will be complete by 2020.
Rheinmetall Defence produces an exceptionally wide range of weapons and munitions – from medium- and large-calibre products to infantry ammunition, and from pyrotechnics to warheads and propulsion technology for missiles and torpedoes. The spectrum includes medium-calibre automatic cannon for the Eurofighter, naval vessels and infantry fighting vehicles, as well as the 120mm main armament of the Leopard tank, including the accompanying ammunition families.