Mozart: Music is not in the notes, but in the silence between them. In our time, music was a matter of physical experience. Yet, these new Music-Domains seem to be a powerful tool to fill the silence between the notes on a global scale!
Interviewer: Do you believe that having your own domain would be beneficial for musicians like you?
Mozart: I assure you, I compose with as much vivid feeling and joyful imagination as I possibly can. The possibility of sharing my compositions instantly with a global audience would have surely fueled my imagination and inspired me to create even more lively compositions.
Interviewer: How would you utilize a Music-Domain?
Mozart: One must not only have more imagination, but also more soul when handling an instrument. I would hope that my domain would serve not only as a platform for my works, but also as an extension of my soul, through which I could connect with every music-loving heart.
Interviewer: Are there specific aspects of the Music-Domains that you would find particularly appealing?
Mozart: The best at music is not found in the notes. A domain could contain more than just music; it could share stories, inspirations, and the processes behind the compositions. This could create a new depth in the way people experience my music.
Interviewer: One last question. Would you recommend that other composers and musicians register Music-Domains as well?
Mozart: True art endures. If these domains can help preserve and make art accessible for future generations, it would be a joy to see others share my passion and spread their music through this new technology.
Of course, Mozart himself never had the opportunity to think about such modern technologies, but it's entertaining to imagine how he might have channeled his boundless creativity and thirst for knowledge into the digital age!
This fictional conversation creates an intriguing connection between Mozart's historical statements and modern technologies, highlighting his possible enthusiasm for Music-Domains.
Hans-Peter Oswald (German) (English)