All system data at a glance
It's easy to transfer PV system data from the SMA Sunny Portal to Sunny Places. After that, PV system operators can get key information at a glance and monitor whether the system is running optimally. "For example, the home page shows your system's current performance, how much energy you have already produced, your self-consumption level, the weather forecast for your site or your green contribution in the form of CO2 savings," explained SMA Product Manager Lydia Schacht.
Search for other systems and easily compare yield data
With Sunny Places, users are able to get an overview of their system at any time, they can also search for other systems-in their neighborhood or anywhere in the world. The Sunny Places search function lets you find, filter and sort PV systems according to individual features, such as the system name, location or size, and compare them with your own system. The practical effect is: "The display of specific yield information even lets you compare PV systems of various sizes for a selected time frame," said Lydia Schacht.
Share knowledge with the community
Sunny Places users can easily share tips and tricks for optimizing their PV systems with others. The community portal offers many options for connecting with other system operators, including being able to post and comment on entries, "like" entries or follow other community members.
The community portal can be reached at
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