We have prepared a new instruction video, which informs you about the intricacies of the new legislation and take-e-way’s relevant solutions.
You are affected by the responsibilities resulting from the Packaging Act if your sales price includes the transport of the goods. If your German importer pays the transport charges, they would have to effect the registration.
If you are affected, please request a service offer via our online sales platform. Tip: Request an offer in your personal area in the take-e-way customer portal, then you do not have to enter your company data again!
Please do not hesitate to contact our consulting staff via +49/40/219010-65 or service@take-e-way.com.
If you plan to put packaging onto the market EU-wide, please refer to Ms Michaela Lepke via +49/40/219010-767 or lepke@take-e-way.de.