TOPTICA isolators ensure stability of TOPTICA’s narrow linewidth, long coherence length lasers, and they can protect Watt-class lasers and amplifiers from damaging back reflections. TOPTICA can also offer custom form factors and wavelengths.
For more than twenty years, TOPTICA has offered narrow linewidth, single frequency, external cavity diode lasers. The spectrum and power of these lasers can be extremely sensitive to reflections from downstream optics, so it is critical that no light returns to the laser cavity. These stringent demands drove TOPTICA to develop its own line of single-stage (>35 dB) and double-stage (>60 dB) optical isolators.
Watt-class lasers and amplifiers suffer not only instability, but also damage due to back reflected light. TOPTICA’s isolators are designed to handle 40 W of optical power and a maximum intensity of 4 kW/cm2.
Isolator design can be very flexible to meet an application’s needs. Deployed quantum technology systems may require compact laser systems, and TOPTICA has developed < 1 cm3 isolators to fit into very small laser systems. TOPTICA also has delivered high performance compact isolators at wavelengths