Mercury’s Visage CS Thin Client/Server 2.2 features advanced tools for 3D and 4D image interpretation, post-processing and distribution that are not bound to specific workstations, but become available directly within the PACS workflow anywhere in the hospital enterprise. Bone removal for CT runoff studies automatically identifies leg bone, pelvic bone and spine to provide a better view on vascular structures. As a result, complete vessel trees can be easily and accurately displayed, e.g., in a 3D MIP without the bone blocking the view.
Visage CS now comprises a new integrated suite of vessel analysis tools for defining vessel paths, tracing vessel paths, doing curved planar reformatting or straightened-out lumen view. In addition, Mercury’s fully integrated Visage Cardiac CT Analysis Package* now features 4D Cardiac CT data support including coronary vessel analysis as well as left ventricle functional analysis.
“Mercury’s Thin Client/Server solution greatly enhances the CT angiography workflow,” said Marcelo Lima, Vice President and General Manager of Commercial Imaging and Visualization at Mercury. “With Mercury’s Visage CS Thin Client Server, 2D, 3D and even 4D medical imaging data can be accessed throughout the hospital network and also from external clients via a secure connection. This way, the required processing and visualization capabilities can be shared effectively by radiologists, clinicians and referring physicians across the entire healthcare workflow.”
Visage PACS 5.0, Mercury’s web-based image management system, will comprise powerful and flexible hanging protocols as well as an improved study worklist and other new functions that greatly enhance the support for an efficient radiologic workflow.
* The Visage Cardiac Analysis Option is currently pending FDA clearance to market. The Visage CS Thin Client/Server 2.2 and Visage PACS 5.0 are currently under CE approval process.
For more information on the Visage CS Thin Client/Server, visit, or contact Mercury at (866) 627-6951.