WeRoam - GSM and WLAN united
Best Wireless Broadband Roaming Product or Solution category
Laptop Protection from BT MobileXpress
Best Wireless Broadband Security Innovation category
Appear IQ - Context Aware Mobility for TAP
Wireless Broadband Mobility Solution category
Motorola TEAM Portfolio
Best VoIP Product or Service category
Orange Unik Service
Best WiFi Product or Service category
Aptilo WiMAX CSN System (TM)
Best WiMAX Product or Service category
IM2 3G Broadband Unlimited - www.indosatm2.com
Most innovative Wireless Broadband Company category
Imad Tarabay, CEO of Cedarcom
Individual Achievement Award category
WBI Awards congratulates all the winners. To learn more about the entire range of finalists please refer to: www.wbiawards.com
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