He continued: „Nobody takes the decision for this step away from you, you just have to take a clear position. We are committed to responsible conduct here at Wunderlich and we focus on healthy reasoning. Given this stance, we feel obligated to rule out any health hazard we become aware of that threatens our customers and our employees – everyone. Moreover, we don‘t want to allow any opportunity that may speed up any potential spread of the virus in our society.
With this clear, objective view of things, there was only one right decision for Erich Wunderlich and I, and that is to postpone our Anfahrt, even if it hurts.“ Hoffmann continued, adding, „In taking this decision we have been guided by the ‚General Principles of Risk Assessment and Handling Recommendations for Large Events‘ from the Robert Koch Institute, which the responsible health ministry has also mentioned. Additionally, our decision has also been informed by the revised risk assessments conducted by experts and political representatives since last weekend in addition to local developments.
Our Wunderlich anniversary Anfahrt will still take place. It has simply been delayed so that we can really celebrate 35 years since our founding, the opening of our new company headquarters and riding together with our customers, our friends and partners with no issues!
With that being said, I hope you all stay healthy!“
Web links: www.wunderlich.de/en