“The MF series was designed to simultaneously measure voltages and currents over large ranges and at varying frequencies. Our product philosophy of innovation and integration makes it a natural step to combine these measurements, add a modern user interface with efficient workflows and create a full-fledged Impedance Analyzer. The key specifications of the MFIA are better than or equal to the other leading instruments on the market. On the software side, our LabOne instrument control package, which has achieved recognition in the lock-in amplifier community, sets new industry standards for impedance measurement. We are very excited to transfer the tremendous benefits of our MF platform and the LabOne software to a new set of users and application fields,” said Jan Benhelm, Head of Marketing, Zurich Instruments.
Three Instrument Control Innovations to Support Impedance Analysis
- Compensation Advisor: The LabOne Compensation Advisor guides users step-by-step through an efficient workflow. Each compensation step is validated and feedback is provided to the user before the data is taken to correct measurement errors.
- Confidence Indicator: Each data point for shielding, gain error, compensation error, overflow and underflow is validated by the LabOne Confidence Indicator. If accuracy is compromised, suggestions are made on how to improve the result.
- Parametric Sweeper: Users are free to scan any instrument parameter (e.g. frequency, bias voltage, test amplitude); ranges are freely adjustable with an unlimited number of step points. The Sweeper supports linear scans and logarithmic scans. A number of optimized application modes are pre-programmed to assist the user to achieve the most accurate results in a minimum amount of time without tedious manual adjustments.
Every instrument comes with an impedance test fixture, which is optimized for minimal parasitics and adds less than 10 fF capacity. A set of 12 sample carriers is also included, containing a short, an open and precision 1 kΩ load to accommodate a variety of compensation schemes.
To learn more about the new impedance analyzer and LCR meter visit the product webpage or contact Zurich Instruments on info@zhinst.com.