The highly specialized HVAC device is used for charging and flushing solar and ground collectors with glycol or panel heating systems with heating water.
Managing director Helmut Wimmer is specifically satisfied with the most positive reactions of the visitors regarding the new device - the improved details and functions of the charger were accepted very well amongst the installers. Many know too well the problem that the station cannot be rolled over carpeted floors in the client's houses. With the new handle on the rear side the station can be carried comfortably with one hand, a feature very much appreciated by the installers.
A lot of attention was caused by the retractable telescopic handle reducing the size of the station to a dimension fitting upright into a Volkswagen Rabbit. It also makes for more comfortable use as it can be adapted to the height of the user.
Wholesalers were pleased by the fact that the reduced packing dimensions are causing a tremendous reduction of transport costs with 12 units fitting on one palette.
"It clearly shows that our strategy of listening to the user, keeping in touch with the installers and knowing their needs led to a further improvement of our product" says Helmut Wimmer.