Webinar: SOVD – Standardized Diagnostic Access to SDVs
In recent years, ASAM e.V. has therefore developed SOVD (Service-Oriented Vehicle Diagnostics), a standard for precisely the challenges of SDVs. For the first time, it allows standardized access to a diagnostic system that runs in the vehicle on an HPC (High-Performance Computer). The standard defines an API for diagnostic applications in the vehicle, for remote access, but also for today's applications on the vehicle in production or in the workshop.
In our upcoming webinar, we will give you valuable insights into:
- Introduction to the “SOVD” diagnostic standard
- Basic concepts and technical boundary conditions
- Use cases: service-oriented diagnostics in typical diagnostic scenarios
- Advantages and disadvantages of the service-oriented approach
Jürgen Heilmeier
Manager Innovation & Test
Softing Automotive Electronics GmbH
Markus Steffelbauer
Director Product Manager
Softing Automotive Electronics GmbH
Join us and help shape the future of vehicle diagnostics!
Further information on the event and registration at: https://go.automotive.softing.com/webinar-sovd