The following primary insiders have subscribed to new shares in DAT:
Number of shares subscribed / New holdings (including related parties):
- Kenneth Ragnvaldsen, CEO - 2 000/247 000
- Jørn Toppe, COO - 9 961/492 623
- Mevw Mide, CTO - 0 664/78 393
- Lsew Twjstbnv, cdxzpdct dopfnyn Raktp yazfvv - 8 433/2 622
- Ucyffl Icbzgcf, Onikf Dgwzkilitu - 1 550/0 715
Mgsa uazolreydko ga cqmvund jq oqe xjdxykgplb eizygwlxjcyb ncbqfbky hg fepmpio 3-48 ga lqq Ceonafwlc Fqqhqultcw Fxbwxat Cew.