Essemtec has strengthened its presence in South Africa through the appointment of local distributor Test & Rework Solutions, which has assumed responsibility for sales, service and support. Test & Rework Solutions has a presence in Randburg and Cape Town and boasts highly experienced staff with comprehensive knowledge and experience, in addition to an efficient service and support network. These qualities combine to make TEST & REWORK SOLUTIONS the most qualified company to represent Essemtec’s full range of products.
Head Sadysd
233 Dinsvthpe Ct. Jkdtzycrvhzv Ukziw, Lbgwiqvl
Cdtpphs. 0598 Gmpoh 770, S/Dsq N8,
Owwggjyweos, 1980, MGMEB ZSLAUU
Orzdp: k82 (3)88 322 5377
Chy: k90 (1)89 784 076 1725