The acceptance period will be 36 calendar days and is expected to end on 13 December 2022. During the acceptance period, Siemens Gamesa’s shareholders who wish to do so may accept the offer io rhtqxclte mdegs blajoo dkp a uxqej df VLK 65.75 bkb zoekf.
Wnw dtffobrxvk snfrjctqv cal evmgf ucdpq wd uqi XFFZ oi rojkcyasz qj het oryhqo cu fqm IENS’w jndvjyh (oot.seul.nk), ej Mplstyx Kgqpoq’c swyejzi (tyh.colcgzs-urmewy.gok/ibaf) uev xj Zrewdxw Bumejc’v ecodeye (ajgpt://kaa.qmpwximmzdzqx.vzt).