Leading from the home office
Martin Krill, managing partner of Hager Unternehmensberatung, which specialises in executive search, has been working f…
Martin Krill, managing partner of Hager Unternehmensberatung, which specialises in executive search, has been working f…
Corona breaks the "just-in-time" mantra that prevails in the logistics industry. Presumably, after the crisis, there wil…
Who would have thought that such a small virus would send legions of employees to the home office worldwide and in many…
Despite the technical possibilities, many companies still stick to old work structures and the classic model of the 9-to…
The coronavirus is hitting the German economy hard and forcing many companies to their knees. Stock market prices are cr…
The automation of processes is nothing new these days. Buzzwords like digital transformation, chatbots, matching technol…
Wie erfolgreich waren Unternehmen zuletzt bei der Besetzung von Vakanzen und in welche Richtung wird sich die Zahl der g…
Digital transformation has introduced major changes in the management structures of corporate IT departments. Given that…
We were just given the good news that the leading German business magazine 'WirtschaftsWoche' has listed us as one of th…
Der Digitalverband Bitkom berichtet in einer aktuellen Studie zum Arbeitsmarkt, dass sich die Zahl der nicht besetzten S…