Next generation of versatility with updated V-bank and updated adiabatic PAD system
The company has been developing V-Profile technology since the 1990s to meet a growing market need for a lower carbon f…
The company has been developing V-Profile technology since the 1990s to meet a growing market need for a lower carbon f…
To drive decarbonization by using natural refrigerants like CO2, ammonia or propane, Kelvion has expanded its indust…
Um die Dekarbonisierung durch den Einsatz natürlicher Kältemittel wie CO2, Ammoniak oder Propan voranzutreiben, hat Kelv…
Neben dem Verkauf von Wärmetauschern verleast Kelvion ab sofort auch Apparate. Die Abrechnung erfolgt auf Pay-Per-Use Ba…
In addition to the sale of heat exchangers, they also can be leased. Billing is on a pay-per-use (PPU) basis, provided b…
Best performance with optimal energy efficiency are decisive factors when choosing a heat exchanger. Together with adess…
Beste Leistungsfähigkeit bei optimaler Energieeffizienz sind entscheidende Faktoren für die Wahl eines Wärmetauschers. K…
The Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences (OST) selected Kelvion to supply its printed circuit K°Bond heat…
Im Rahmen des Forschungsprojektes "Swiss Low-Cost Hydrogen Refuelling Station (LCHRS)", das von Innosuisse finanziert wi…
Kelvion hat sein Sortiment an industriellen Luftkühlern um Baureihen mit besonders flexiblen Optionen und schneller Verf…