A project of superlatives
Using high-tech from KHS, AB InBev subsidiary Cervejas de Moçambique in Mozambique has now built the biggest and most mo…
Using high-tech from KHS, AB InBev subsidiary Cervejas de Moçambique in Mozambique has now built the biggest and most mo…
Mit Hightech von KHS baut die AB InBev-Tochter Cervejas de Moçambique in Mosambik die modernste und größte Brauerei Afri…
His love of beer was sparked by his famous father: Robert Plant, lead singer of the British rock band Led Zeppelin, bega…
Seine Liebe zum Bier wurde vom berühmten Vater entfacht: Robert Plant, Frontmann der britischen Rockband Led Zeppelin, n…
In der neuen Konzernstrategie der Salzgitter AG zählen Kreislaufwirtschaft, Partnerschaften und die Transformation zu de…
In the new group strategy adopted by Salzgitter AG this year, three of the key issues are the circular economy, partners…
Better conditions and growing demand are generating incredible growth among regional beverage bottlers in Tanzania. This…
Verbesserte Rahmenbedingungen und steigende Nachfrage ermöglichen regionalen Getränkeabfüllern in Tansania ein erstaunli…
KHS ha desarrollado aún más sus envases rPET para las industrias alimenticia y de cuidado del hogar. Además de un asa fi…
KHS has further developed its rPET containers for the home care and food sectors. In addition to bottle handles slotted…