MPL's Innovative Design for Rugged Embedded Computer wins Gold again
The MILCOTS-2x SwaP Mission Computer was developed with the target to meet the MIL-STD-810 as well as parts of the DO-16…
The MILCOTS-2x SwaP Mission Computer was developed with the target to meet the MIL-STD-810 as well as parts of the DO-16…
Die neue CEC Generation ist ein stromsparender, hochintegrierter, flexibler und robuster Computer mit Eigenschaften wie…
The new CEC generation is a low power, highly integrated, flexible and rugged computer with characteristics like; robust…
Die neue µMAXBES Lösung ist ein 10-Port Open-Frame Switch, der zwei 10-Gigabit Ports mit entweder Kupfer oder Glasfaser…
The new µMAXBES solution is a 10-port Open Frame Switch, that includes two 10Gbit ports with either copper or fiber. The…
Die Stärke von MPL sind Computer- und Netzwerk-Lösungen, die ohne aktive Kühlung funktionieren. Die Firma bietet seit me…
MPL’s strength are computing and network solutions that work without the need of any active cooling. They have been prov…
Rugged MIL/COTS SWaP-C Server conductive cooled, with Intel Xeon CPUs. The MIL/COTS SWaP-C Server Solution was designed…
Die Produkte der PIP4x Familie wurden speziell für den Einsatz in rauen Anwendungen wie Bahn, Schifffahrt oder Verteidig…
The PIP4x Family products have specifically been developed for the use in rugged applications such as Railway, Maritime,…