Aero-domains for Pilots and Private Pilots
SITA has changed recently the .aero policy: The group "pilot" consists now of commercial and private pilots. By this cha…
SITA has changed recently the .aero policy: The group "pilot" consists now of commercial and private pilots. By this cha…
Die Domains aus Österreich enden auf .at. Dies ist besonders interessant, weil "at" ja auch im englischen eine Bedeutung…
In the future, everybody, who is interested, in flying, aviation, travelling, will search first at .aero. The aero-domai…
Apples iphone löst eine Welle von Begeisterung aus. Der Verkaufsstart von iphone am 29. Juni in den USA rückt die mobido…
Firmen aus der Luftfahrtbranche, die nicht mit einer aero-domain im Internet präsent sind, werden einen Teil des möglich…
More than 700,000 au-domains are registered. How can a company or private person register an au-domain? Since July…
RFID (radio frequency identification devices) technology can bring substantial benefits to the Air Transport Community i…
Do you want to reach a massive customer base? Meet the 1.3 billion users who will have Internet access on their mobile b…
There are already many aero-domains registered within the recreational aviation registrant groups comprising air sports…
dotMobi, the company behind the first and only Internet address designed specifically for mobile phones, announced more…