A brief wrap up of the International PHP Conference 2019
The International PHP Conference took place in Munich between October 21 and 25 concomitantly with the International Jav…
The International PHP Conference took place in Munich between October 21 and 25 concomitantly with the International Jav…
Vom 4. bis 8. November 2019 in München präsentiert die W-JAX einmal mehr ein fünftägiges Konferenz-Programm, das über 14…
Bringing teams from different fields together in a good way is rarely easy, when those teams are involved in the same bu…
The Blockchain Technology Conference gives deep insights into a world augmented by distributed ledger technology; it fea…
With over a decade’s experience, the International PHP Conference (IPC) is the must-attend event for web developers from…
International JavaScript Conference is opening its doors again in Munich, Germany on October 21st, 2019 and hosting atte…
Between October 14 - 16, 2019 the API Conference (APICON) and the Serverless Architecture Conference (SLA) will take pla…
In der Rheingoldhalle Mainz tagte vom 23. bis 27. September die Herbstausgabe der BASTA!-Konferenz. Bei der führenden un…
Vom 23. - 27. September findet die BASTA!-Konferenz in Mainz statt. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren ist sie die führende Konfere…
Making sense of data is becoming essential for every modern predictive business, how else can they develop the understan…