XENIOS Receives Cash Infusion from Existing Investors to Expand Commercial Operations in US and Europe
XENIOS AG, a commercial -stage medical device company, announced today that it has received a significant cash infusion…
XENIOS AG, a commercial -stage medical device company, announced today that it has received a significant cash infusion…
Beim diesjährigen STIMME Firmenlauf in Heilbronn trat die XENIOS AG mit 4 Teams an den Start und belegte in der Kategori…
. - Ausgezeichneter Start ins Geschäftsjahr - Wachstumsfinanzierung gesichert - Dr. Jürgen Böhm und Dr. Georg Mathei…
Am 26.02.2015 fand der 1. Life Science Management-Kongress in Heilbronn statt. Verschiedene Referenten aus Industrie und…
The already existing Medos deltastream® complete system is optimized by the current hardware upgrade. The powerful hilit…
Das bereits bestehende Medos deltastream® Komplettsystem, wird durch das aktuelle Hardware Upgrade optimiert. Der leistu…
The iLA activve® further extends its leadership as the only lung assist platform with a complete range of four different…
The iLA activve® further extends its leadership as the only lung assist platform with a complete range of four different…
Das bestehende Angebot der modular aufgebauten Systemplattform der iLA activve® mit den iLA activve® Kits in unterschied…
The existing range of the modularly designed system platform of the iLA activve® is further optimized by the current har…