'We are very pleased to have our TLS Checklist Inspector Portal listed as an inspection tool by the BSI. Via the web portal www.tls-check.de, we offer an efficient and user-friendly solution that provides suitable proof of the operation of a secure website. The online platform reflects the current trend in the testing environment to make test procedures as convenient and accessible as possible via online portals. It is a milestone on the path to greater cyber security and confirmation of the valuable work by our team of experts,' says Kathrin Asmuth, managing partner at achelos.
TLS Checklist Portal − user-friendly solution for secure and interoperable configuration of TLS for the secure operation of web sites
The TR-03116-4 checklist from the Federal Office of Information Security (BSI) describes the requirements for the secure operation of websites. achelos fully maps this technical guideline via the TLS Checklist Inspector Portal and has developed a free, user-friendly web portal solution. The security check takes place once you have entered the domain. It takes just 90 seconds for a service provider to find out whether the website is configured in line with BSI specifications. The result of the check is displayed visually in the web portal and is immediately available on the screen. It indicates possible weaknesses and links directly with the relevant requirements of the BSI checklist. The tool checks aspects such as the correct configuration of certificates, cipher suites, protocols, or algorithms. Customers can receive more information and detailed reports upon request.
achelos possesses expert knowledge in the field of IT security, is a partner of the Alliance for Cyber Security, and is holder of the trust seal 'IT Security made in Germany' of the IT Security Association Germany (TeleTrusT).